Luki and the Lights
Animation, Short Films, Drama
The story follows an active, charming, and upbeat robot named LUKi who enjoys hanging with friends. One day after work while playing soccer, LUki's arm begins to malfunction. After a trip to the doctor, LUKi is diagnosed with ALS.
Up Next in Animation
To The Brink
A violent stop motion cabaret for the cynical and depraved. Guilt, alcoholic apathy and the inevitable, looming apocalypse threaten to push a young man to the brink. Surreal and creative animation that screened at the Annecy Film Festival and won Best Student Animation at the Bolton Film Festival.
To Dance With Drag Queens
A unicorn known as Missy Hortense dances at Pride. Witty and playful animation combining 2D and live action by Edinburgh-based artist and filmmaker, David Hutchison.
February 16th, 1947
Inuk Elder, Levinia Brown, shares the oral history of how she was born on February 16, 1947 while her family was travelling by dog team across the open tundra. Her story is illustrated by cut-out stop motion animation of hand sewn Inuit wall-hanging designs in the style of her own artwork.