Luki and the Lights
MiraBan UK Film Awards 2024
Animation, Short Films, Drama
The story follows an active, charming, and upbeat robot named LUKi who enjoys hanging with friends. One day after work while playing soccer, LUki's arm begins to malfunction. After a trip to the doctor, LUKi is diagnosed with ALS.
Up Next in MiraBan UK Film Awards 2024
The IVF Journey
Their dream was to have a child. Three couples who have wasted their money, time and energy on failed fertility treatments try to rebuild themselves. After so many years of obsession, they will attempt to bury their goals while secretly waiting for a miracle.
Sitting in the Fire
‘Sitting in the Fire’ examines the spillover effect of rehabilitation programs in prison, on gun violence prevention in communities.
The Dolphin Dilemma
Imagine waking up covered in third-degree burns, that's what it's like for the Burrunan dolphins in Australia. But why is this happening? That's what Dr. Duignan, Dr. Stephen, and Dr. Robb had to find out.